Welcoming our “Someday”

Labor & Delivery Story

June 10th // 36 weeks 0 days

I was finishing up my day at work when menstrual like cramping began, and on my drive home contractions began for the first time. Contractions started to increase in frequency and strength as the night progressed, and eventually became regular every 5-6 minutes. I called my OB, and they recommended evaluation in triage if contractions became regular and strong every 4-5 minutes. I decided to lay down and get some sleep, and by the time I woke up, the contractions were gone.

A few days later I had my routine OB appointment, and I was 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced.

Braxton Hicks contractions persisted irregularly for weeks.

June 19th // 37 weeks 2 days

Brian and I went on a 3 mile hike/run, and it felt so good to be outside and move. Soon after the hike, my irregular contractions began to get more regular, and I lost my mucous plug. Contractions increased again in frequency that evening, continuing every 5-6 minutes, but eventually became irregular again.

July 5th // 39 weeks 4 days

I woke up in the morning to let Waylon out, and as I was waiting for him to potty, I felt a spontaneous single trickle of clear fluid down my left leg. I called my OB and informed them that I thought that my water broke, and they recommended evaluation in triage.

We walked into the hospital, packed bag and all, expecting to have a baby

After evaluation: baby looked great on monitor with irregular contractions, vital signs normal, still 1 cm dilated, ultrasound normal: cephalic position with normal fluid amount, and pH paper and microscopic evaluation did not show amniotic fluid.

We were shocked, I had no idea what the trickle of clear fluid could have been, but we were sent home.

July 11th // 40 weeks 3 days

I was starting to get nervous that my body was never going to transition into active labor, despite over 4 weeks of “practicing”. We did all of the things to try to induce labor including going on a two mile run in the heat, and I was surprised how good it felt actually! That evening, I was on a business call with my young living team, and contractions started to pick up in strength and frequency around 9 PM. I honestly did not think much of it because I had done this previously, and they always spaced out, but as the night progressed the contractions became more and more strong. stronger then they have ever been before making me feel like this time was different. Eventually by 3 am, contractions were every 4-5 minutes for over two hours and I was breathing through each one. We decided to head to the hospital.

As we drove to the hospital, contractions remained strong but started to space out again. I felt so defeated. We were almost to the hospital so we went into triage to be evaluated anyway, but anticipated them sending us home.

July 12th // 40 weeks 4 days

3 AM

They put me on the monitor, and contractions were spaced out every 8-10 minutes, but I was still breathing through them. On check, the nurse practitioner told me I was still 1 cm dilated but 70% effaced. She suspected I was in early labor since the contractions were strong, but recommended discharge to continue early labor at home. Prior to discharge she wanted to do a repeat ultrasound to ensure there was still enough fluid around her head…

On ultrasound, the nurse practitioner found oligohydramnios or essentially no amniotic fluid.

We were told that we would be admitted to be able to closely monitor the baby during contractions and early labor.

7 AM

I was admitted to Labor & Delivery finally around 7 AM… it was time to have our girl.

Contractions were every 6-10 minutes and strong. We got settled into our room, and tried resting in between contractions until we saw the new doctor on shift.

9:15 AM

I was in active early labor, but it was unclear how long it would take to progress on my own since the contractions were still about every 10 minutes. Risks of oligohydramnios at delivery can include umbilical cord compression during contractions which can decreased oxygenation to the baby. After discussion, we decided to start Pitocin to jump start the frequency of contractions to try to not prolong labor and risk to the baby.

After starting Pitocin, contractions quickly increased to every 1.5 minutes, and became stronger.

11:30 AM

4 cm and 100% effaced

I was becoming exhausted. We did not sleep at all the night before because of the early labor contractions and middle of the night visit to triage. I was able to use deep breathing to get through the strong contractions, but as they increased in frequency, I felt like I had no break in between the contractions to even catch my breath. I was initially undecided on an epidural for pain management, but given that I was only 4 cm dilated, I was concerned that I would lose stamina when it was time to push.

12:00 PM

An epidural was placed, and I felt much better. The anesthesiologist told me when he was placing the epidural that his cat’s name was pancakes… and then all I could think about was pancakes (LOL). I was able to take a nap for about an hour, and I felt so much better after I was able to rest.

1:30 PM

7 cm

The doctor officially “broke my water”, but with the oligohydramnios, there was no loss of fluid. It is suspected that I did have a slow leak of my water when I had the trickle of fluid the week prior…

It is not uncommon for the pH paper and microscopic test to not show amniotic fluid when it is slow leak. I guess maybe I was not crazy in thinking my water broke.

3:16 PM

10 cm and 0 station

Brian and I felt so relaxed, and we talked through how excited we were to meet our little girl soon.

3:45 PM

Started pushing

Despite my fear with the epidural that I would not be able to push effectively, I was able to feel control in the pushing the whole time. I could feel her changing station and moving down the birth canal. I vomited as I progressed, and I cried at that time because I hate vomiting (LOL). I anticipated that the experience pushing would feel hectic and loud, but it was actually the opposite. The whole experience felt relaxed and peaceful. Brian was so supportive as expected, and said all of the right things to help me through each contraction. Before I knew it, I was on my last push.

5:05 PM

Our someday is here

perfectly beautiful, pink, and eyes opened looking right at us as she was snuggled right on my chest.

The “Golden Hour”

We had a full hour undisturbed to snuggle our beautiful baby girl. It was so calm and peaceful as I held her on my chest, and kissed her sweet cheeks. I handed her over to Brian to do skin to skin, and it was a moment I will never forget seeing him hold his daughter for the first time and look into her big beautiful eyes.

Birthdate on July 12th // she came in her own perfect time on her grandmother in heavens birthday.

A close friend told me this:

“there are only 2 days in your life that you are present in both heaven and earth, the day you are born and the day you die, and it is incredible that she got to spend the first day of her life with both of you and Brian’s mom”

& this sums it up perfectly, we had a strong feeling as we held her in that first hour like she came right from Jill’s arms and into ours.

xo, Kelly & Brian


Labor & Delivery Must Have’s


DIY Bunny Lamp